ICOM Europe, the European regional organization of the International Council of Museums, and the Museum of Europe in Brussels have joined to edit a publication that reflects Europe in selected museum objects. We would like to encourage curators in Europe to choose objects, paintings or photographs that they consider relevant for the comprehension of Europe’s diversity, its transnational relationships, its common experiences and future perspectives. With this inclusive format of participation we intend to trigger a debate on the representation of Europe in its museum objects, because
- they reflect hopes and anxieties of every specific historical situation,
- they show the panorama of human creativity despite war and persecution,
- they are witness of the finest examples of human expression, craftsmanship and inventory spirit.
With this open call for contributions we address all museums in Europe to participate in our joint endeavour. We encourage all National Committees of ICOM and other professional museums networks in Europe to disseminate this call and to initiate a debate about the process of selecting relevant objects.
First Edition of ICOM-Europe's "Views and Activities"
Information about the Publication The publication will be the second edition of ICOM Europe's “Views and Activities”
Format: 14 x 14 cm, booklet illustrated with colored pictures
Language: English
Number of pages: 72
Printed copies: 5000
Dissemination: free of charge, except for postal fee.
The publication will first be distributed at the General Conference of ICOM in Shanghai, China (Nov. 7 to Nov. 12, 2010) and it can then be ordered by museums and professional organizations.
How to participate?
Your contribution will consist of a royalty free reproduction of the object in form of a professional photograph (300 dpi) and an explanatory text referring to the object, its relevance and meaning in the context of the above mentioned aspects. Please make sure that the museum direction approves your choice and text, because the selection will refer to and mention the museum as well.
We kindly ask you to send your contribution form, which you can download from the ICOM Europe website (www.icom-europe.org) filled out in English to: reflectingeurope@gmail.com no later than March 19, 2010. The result of the selection will be communicated on April 15, 2010.
Selection committee
The final selection of the objects to be included in the publication will be made by a joint committee of members of the Board of ICOM Europe and the Museum of Europe including:
Prof. Krzysztof Pomian, Scientific Director of the Museum of Europe
Benoît Remiche, General Secretary of the Museum of Europe
Dr. Isabelle Benoit, Director for International Development, Museum of Europe, and Board Member of ICOM Europe
Dr. Udo Goesswald, Director of Neukoelln Museum, Berlin, and Chair of ICOM Europe
Dr. Damodar Frlan, Director of the Ethnographical Museum of Croatia and Board Member of ICOM Europe
Prize for the best contribution
The best contribution will receive a travel grant given by ICOM Europe for the ICOM Europe Tour 2010 in China, which will be organized as a pre-conference tour of the General Conference of ICOM in Shanghai at the beginning of November 2010.
(see: www.icom-europe.org).
Udo Goesswald, Chair ICOM Europe
Krzysztof Pomian, Scientific Director of the Museum of Europe
Topic: Respecting Cultural Heritage for Our Common Future
Locations in China: Xian, Loyang, Kaifung (3 Ancient Capitals) and Zhengzhou
In Cooperation with ICOM China and ICOM Germany
The ICOM Europe Tour and Conference 2010 will take place in China from October 30 to November 5, 2010 and intends to foster the dialogue between European and Chinese museums on the topic of “Respecting Cultural Heritage for Our Common Future”. It is our great pleasure to organize this tour in cooperation with ICOM China on the occasion of the General Conference of ICOM in Shanghai (Nov. 7 to Nov. 12) and together with the distinctive institutions of Cultural Heritage in the Chinese provinces of Shaanxi and Henan. The tour and conference is also being supported by ICOM Germany and the program of the German Foreign Ministry “China and Germany – In Action together”. Museums play an important role in communicating the respect for cultural heritage in the process of global modernization and urbanization. Therefore examples of good practice by Chinese and European museums will be presented and discussed.
European ICOM members, who wish to apply for the tour and conference are asked to hand in a one-page paper and a series of photographies (max. 5) about their museum or a relevant museum project that they wish to present at the conference by March 15, 2010. (Format: Power-Point as PDF) The participants will be chosen by the ICOM Europe Board aiming to present a broad variety of highly qualified museums from different European countries. A detailed program will be available on our website by the end of February. The registration fee is 150 Euros. The expenses for the tour will be approximately 500 Euros, including the flights from Peking to Xian and from Zhengzhou to Shanghai. All flight reservations will be made on an individual basis. Ground transportation (bus) and hotel reservations are being provided by our local partners. Two travel grants for European ICOM-members under 35 are available.
Please send your applications together with a short 6-line CV to:
Migration in Museums: Narratives of Diversity in Europe
Open to museum professionals, exhibition curators, researchers from the humanities and social sciences, representatives from immigrant communities and artists.
organized by
Network Migration in Europe e. V.,
ICOM Europe (International Council of Museums),
Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines, Dudelange (Luxemburg)
in cooperation with the following six Berlin-based museums
- Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen/Museum of Film and Television
- Jüdisches Museum Berlin/Jewish Museum Berlin
- Jugendmuseum Schöneberg/Youth Museum Schöneberg
- Kreuzberg Museum
- Museum Neukölln
- Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin (Märkisches Museum)/City Museum Berlin
Location: Berlin (in participating museums)
The project is supported within the framework of the Berlin Hauptstadtkulturfonds
Applications should be sent to the given email address by May 30, 2008. The selection
committee will choose and notify the participants by the end of June 2008
Museum Tour and Conference “Between the Old and the New Europe”
In cooperation with ICOM Albania, ICOM Macedonia (FYR), ICOM Greece, ICOM Turkey and ICOM Germany
Venues Tirana, Korce, Ohrid, Bitola, Vergina, Thessaloniki and Istanbul
Duo Dong West Vivien Lee (voc.) and Volker Greve (piano, perc.)
German Historical Museum Berlin Unter den Linden 2, 10117 Berlin
August 31, 2008, 3:00 P.M.
ICOM Europe and ICOM Germany are organizing a fund-raising concert for the reconstruction and restoration of sites and relics of cultural heritage that were destroyed during the earthquake in Sichuan, China, in May this year. International media has hardly taken notice of the fact that several museums and two UNESCO World Heritage Sites were badly damaged. Detailed information about the damages to Chinese museums in the region can be found at: http://icom.museum/disaster_relief/china.html
The concert will take place on August 31, 2008 at the German Historical Museum in Berlin.
(see: www.icom-deutschland.de.) It features the Chinese-German Duo Dong West with the singer Vivien Lee and the pianist and percussionist Volker Greve. The Duo Dong West links European and Chinese musical traditions in a unique way. Their compositions, improvisations and arrangements may be described as Chinese Ethno-Jazz.
(see: www.duo-dong-west.de) The funds will be used to support restoration works in museums in Sichuan.
Agenda - ICOM Europe
General Meeting, June 1, 2008
Pressrelease - ICOM Europe - Night of Museums on May 17, 2008
ICOM-Europe wishes to express its appreciation and support of the Night of Museums on May 17, 2008. Together with the International Museum Day on May 18, 2008 this event is designed to link museums in Europe
The Baltic Museology School under the
patronage of ICOM Europe is a longterm
Baltic States collaborative project
in the further education of museum
professionals, which each year runs a
week-long educational programme
focussing on one aspect of museum
work and linking museum theory with
practice. As the BMS is an international
collaboration, the programme is
conducted in English.
Letter to the Chairpersons of the National Committees, January 2007
Museum Tour and Conference
Eastern Europe
in Cooperation with ICOM-Slovenia,
ICOM-Croatia, ICOM-Serbia and Montenegro,
ICOM-Bosnia and Herzegovina, ICOM-SEE
and ICOM-Cross Cultural Task Force
Venues: Ljubljana, Zagreb, Banja
Luca, Sarajevo, Dubrovnik
Theme: “Museums for Peace and Cultural Diversity”
In the aftermath of the wars in former Yugoslavia a difficult process of reconciliation has
begun. Regional and national cultural identities are being redefined, leading to both: new
segregation and new forms of joint civic engagement. Museums are a very important part in
this process. ICOM-Europe wants to give ICOM-members the opportunity to participate in this
important dialogue and to exchange experiences on how the revitalisation of cultural and
natural heritage can resolve in the area.
By visiting major cities and sites in the region the conference will enable participants to
compare the efforts made by museums in Ljubljana, Zagreb, Banja Luca and Sarajevo to
preserve, rebuild or establish collections, that reflect the following basic aspects:
1. National and European Identities
2. The Representation of Minorities
3. The Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural Heritage
4. The Commemoration of the Wars
5. Transnational Dialogue and Cultural Diversity.
In the year of ICOMs 60th anniversary the conference aims at fostering
a discussion about the role of museums on the road to sustainable peace
and democracy.
conference will end in Dubrovnik and link with the symposion
“Best in Heritage”, that takes place from September 21
– 23, 2006. This will enable participants to additionally be part
of a major event in Europe, that presents museums of excellence
throughout the world. “Best in Heritage” takes place under
the patronage of ICOM and includes an important summit of
organizations, that deal with cultural heritage.
To register for the ICOM-Europe Museum Tour and
Conference “Museums for Peace and Cultural Diversity” please contact chair@icom-europe.org.
The registration fee is 80 Euros. (40 Euros for students) ICOM-members
from Bosnia-Herzegovina remain free of charge. To register for the
conference “Best in Heritage” please contact info@thebestinheritage.com
and ask for special registration fee. After registering
you will receive informations in order to book
your hotels.
ICOM-Europe supplies a limited amount of travel
grants, especially for ICOM-members under the
age of 35. Please apply for travel grants with
your CV and a letter of request to chair@icom-europe.org.
International Scholarship Programme
on the history of the 20th Century
A programme for
museums, memorial sites, archives and research institutions of the
“Remembrance and Future” Fund in cooperation with the
German National Committee of the International Council of Museums
(ICOM-Germany) and the German Museums Association
The “International Scholarship
Programme on the History of the 20 th -Century” is open to all
types of museums, as well as to archives and research establishments.
Project applications must be submitted by the German institutions. The
grant includes a weekly allowance of 300 euros for the person-specific
grants. Additionally, the sending institution can request 300 euros
weekly for its expenses. For each exchange project, up to 3,000 euros
can be requested supplementary for the associated meetings/workshops of
the respective partner organisations.
The exchanges should support a joint
research on questions concerning the representation of the 20 th
century. The research they propose must be related to an exhibition by
the participating organisations. Priority will be given to exchange
projects with institutions in Central and Eastern Europe.
Project applications must be submitted
until 30 th September 2006. A complete description of the program, the
application form and further information are available online at
www.austausch-museen.de .
Program: Program (.pdf) [Ausschreibungstext...pdf]
Flyer: Fl y er (.pdf) [ Flyer-English.pdf]
Contact: Johanna Westphal
ICOM-Germany / ICOM-Europe
In der Halde 1
14195 Berlin, Germany
General meeting of ICOM-Europe
2004 during the 20th General Conference
of ICOM in Seoul (Korea)
6th October 2004, 16.30 – 18.00 o’clock,
COEX Convention Center, Seoul (Korea)
Patronage of the Baltic Museology School
2004 "Museums and their Role
in Contemporary Society"
27th June - 3rd July 2004, Sigulda, Latvia Link: http://www.bms.edu.lv
Patronage of a conference “Das Exponat als historisches
Zeugnis” (Berlin,
2004) and “Jenseits der Dinge.
Das Museum und das Immaterielle“(Luxemburg, 2005)
17th-18th June 2004, Berlin, Deutsches Historisches
(contact Berlin: beier@dhm.de)
(contact Luxembourg: m.jungblut@musee-hist.lu)
Patronage of a conference series about
“Museums in post-communist
22nd-24th April 2004, Berlin, Museum Berlin-Karlshorst
(third venue after Twer/Russia and Minsk/Belarus
in 2003)
(contact: icom-deutschland@t-online.de)
Cooperation with the Network of European Museums
Organisations (NEMO) First talks between the chairpersons in
order to co-operate on EU-themes
and to prevent double structures and competition
among the two regional organizations.